yournamehere wrote:
If the majority of people had aspergers, there would be no need to explain. In fact, I'm pritty sure nt's would be the ones needing counseling if that was the case. When was the last time an nt explained how they were, and it made perfect sence to you???
Majorities of all kinds do not have to explain themselves to the minorities, and whatever they do is considered normative. Aspie/NT, African American and Ancestral European (black and white, if you like those terms better), gay/straight, etc. etc: wherever there are populations which are divergent and have people at the far end of the curve and in the minority. Which is everywhere.
Aspies and NTs speak a different language. We are focused on information, accuracy, and truth as best as we can determine it. NTs are relational. Information is often a commodity, embellished or deminished, depending on the transaction, accuracy is a fuzzy concept, because it is the bonding of the conversation that is more important. I have found NTs very confused, in my mind, about truth. They say things like "truth is relative", " reality is what you make it", "everything is true in some way if you think about it". This is not a concept I can understand. So it seems we use words in a different way. And because there are less of us, we do all the explaining.
Fiat justitia, ruat caelum.