Not really. Whenever I create a topic, I can usually tell that the answerers have read my original post. I always read the original post, unless it's really long, and it's not that I am lazy, but I just can't always stay on track when reading. My thoughts become too distracting. I find reading in small doses better than reading long-winded posts. I also find it easier to read when the paragraphs are spaced out, rather than reading one big massive long paragraph with about 50 lines.
Also, I don't want to sound mean, but I can't always focus on posts that have poor spelling and grammar or uncorrected typos. But just ignore me there, not everybody wants to bother to write perfectly.
What I do notice though (not just on Aspie forums but any forums) is that you are expected to give the information in every possible detail, but then when you do, the post goes on forever and ever and people then can't be bothered to read it. Say if you're asking a specific question about it, and give enough clear information as you can, you kind of hope people will read between the lines and see your point, but instead you get a string of questions after, as though you have missed out loads.
In other words, the answers are normally full of ifs, ands and buts, instead of advice and reassurance.