I despise the endless questions (Do you smoke? Do you wear seatbelts? Do you want a flu vaccination? Did your third great grandmother have testicular cancer?). Over the years I have learned that this kind of invasion of my privacy is a combination of ObamaCare and the insurance companies to determine patient compliance. I end up refusing to answer the questions because in my state, at least, answering can't be required. I tell them that I will be happy to answer any question related to the reason that I am attending their office, but nothing else. Seriously, this kind of datamining is worse than agreeing to hear about a time-share resort. But, time-sharing isn't as invasive or vulnerable to legal records "sharing" or illegal records hacking. That is correct: What gets told to your physician is often legally obligated to be shared with others, and the physician gets paid to comply. I say as little as I possibly can in every instance, refuse many of their questions, admit to little and volunteer nothing. I hate feeling like my physicians' offices are like East German interrogation centers.
Oh, and I usually know much more about my conditions than they do. I have educated several physicians who end up researching my claims and agreeing that I am correct. Sheez.