Tyri0n wrote:
I have this too. I think it's OCD/trauma related. It could be neurological in some.
Might this be, in others, a result of having to walk on eggshells as a result of living with, or being around someone with OCD?
I will give you the example of my Uncle, my [late] Mother's younger brother. His wife who has OCD, when off her meds, won't touch the belongings of anyone outside her immediate family, regardless of what they have been doing (she wears plastic produce bags, stolen from grocery stores over her hands before doing so).
Unfortunately, he has been giving in to her so much that HE has issues, in terms of being a control freak, and 'noticing everything', be it an unusual smell of your cologne, if you have shaven, if your car's exhaust pipe is loose, or drinking from someone else's glass - need I go on?
He started chewing me out over countless issues regarding the family cottage... it has ranged from removing items I leave in drawers such as spare clothing, magazines, writing paper, which have either been returned to the city or burned in the wood stove to appease her fear of contamination. And every time he is up and I am about to leave, he runs around the property like a madman to see if I destroyed or damaged anything. He even looks into the toilet cistern to see if I put a puck of toilet bowl cleaner into it, claiming that I was trying to 'destroy the septic system.'
My cousin and I have a long-running joke - 'If you lose a needle in a haystack at the cottage, don't worry, [Uncle] will easily find it and give you grief for it!'
As for me, I believe in live and let live, and not fall into the above trap mentioned.