Quinntilda wrote:
Not directly. I'm kind of shy about talking about my flaws.
perhaps look at it in a different way.
autism to any level is a challenge,but not a flaw.
a flaw is the impairment of normality,which in autism,woud suggest the person is a 'flawed NT'.
we arent flawed NTs for having autism, we are born wired differently,its like comparing different linux distros; we might be using the same familiar code as the next distro [aka NTs] but we are running on a different kernel,we are impaired not by autism but by the fact this planet is based around the needs/wants/difficulties/differences of NTs; not autistics, this is known as the social model of disability.
are no less a person of equal worth and standing than anyone else so please dont think are flawed for being different.
learn to accept diagnosis;am assuming were diagnosed late? learn to accept self;weaknesses and all [no one is perfect and anyone who thinks so is steaming with narcisism],do not use NTs to compare self to because will always come out looking weaker in places.
have a read about the social model of disability as it relates so much to the autism spectrum,here is a very good simple write up on it to start with-
http://odi.dwp.gov.uk/about-the-odi/the ... -model.php
the extreme end of the social model [of disability] is represented by those who campaign for the removal of disability label from conditions; autism for example.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!