In the process of a diagnosis...please help. i cant relax
Yeah...the 6th of august i have an apointment for ASD test. 2 hour interwiev with first me, and then my mom.
Ive been in for a assesment 2 weeks ago also.
I have been very obcessed about my diagnoses, and cant seem to let it has taken completely over and im about to go through a shutdown. cant consentrate on anything. not even making a grocery list, or looking at the tv program for the night. Im mentally drainet, and have >"butterflies in my sthomack" . like an inner kaos.
I know its smart to lett all this ASD stuff not reserching every corner of the internet, and wrongplanet for aswers, and relating my self to every one else with ASD. Its propobly just part of my process..but i dont like feeling so not in control over my selv.
Any advice about how to "shut" the thoughts of? I fell like im in a obsessive state, like when i have a special interest, only this one i cant seem to let go. And it makes me look through my life, and remember bad memories etc.
Please, anyone you have any thoughts or advice for me? i would just like to relax and be in the present. i cant relax..
ps: sorry for my english, im norwegian.
ADHD and dyscalculia diagnosis at 19
Your Aspie score: 145 of 200
Your NT- score: 62 of 200
(In the process of getting a ASD diagnosis)
I'm in a similar position to you, I have an appointment for assessment next week - Friday of next week so exactly a week away.
I have been obsessing, logging onto this site quite a bit, looking for other's input on ASD, as well a reassuring some others.
I've also been reading extensively on the subject, stories of others on the ASD spectrum, as well as re-confirming to myself that I'm not imagining it or copying behaviour I'm reading about but that I really do seem to be an Aspie.
That said, if you're finding yourself obsessing, I suggest you put it to good use, listen to some soothing music or whatever sounds make you more comfortable, and immerse yourself in your favourite hobby or interest, whether it be reading, or whatever, just so you can give your mind a break from constantly thinking of and worrying about the assessment process.
I also tend to go for walks in the local bush tracks, as they tend to be quiet with few people around.
Absolutely physical activity that raises your pulse and body temperature is good too, as it helps burn off the adrenalin and other stress hormones, which I believe contribute to being stuck in an anxiety loop.
You should aim to exercise every other day for at least 25 mins, though you may have to build up to this if you have been sedentary for a while.
The trick is it's normal to be a bit apprehensive and worried about interviews and assessment and even more so for an Aspie, you just need to find an way to stop worrying about worrying, otherwise you'll find yourself in a self propelling anxiety loop - I know because I've spent much of my life there, and am only now learning to look for the signs, to stop before I get too stuck.
You'll be fine, you just need to accept this is temporary, and once you've been assessed and have a diagnosis it will be another step to making your life a bit easier.
You'll still need to do the work to get to where you want to be in life, but at present it's like you have a locked tool box, and don't know what's inside - the diagnosis will help you open your personal box of tools and figure what you have, what you need, and what your strengths and weaknesses are. From there things can only get better.
"Performance anxiety" or what ever you want to call it is awful, you end up wasting today worrying about tomorrow, and then blow tomorrow after all as well.
I used to do this a lot, it's horrible.
I can help you with this. StabilizingAutism/unsolicited-advice
Don't go there if you've resolved this already.
(14.01.b) cogito ergo sum confusus
I kind of know where you are coming from….as a parent to a 9yr old girl, who is attending for assessment also on the 6th August, I suspect she has aspergers/asd. I feel like a complete nervous wreck (and am usually very level headed), I have done tons of 'research' on the net and often wonder if I am imagining things with her now but then feel pretty sure I am not!! ! I also keep wondering if I am doing the right thing and maybe we will just be ok carrying on as we are. It consumes your head is all I can say……hopefully it will ease!! Good luck.
Thanks ! very useful advice and reflectations
Yesterday i went for a hike in the mountains, and it was really the only thing that could "pause" this anxious feeling. Also i tryed to listen to music, watch tv- but didnt work.
I did alot of gardening, wich also helped alot, and when i was done i took a loooong shower and actually managed to like it ( i usually hate taking i shover)
Yes! it feels like preformence anxiety. it starts when i wake up in the morning, and is a lump in my sthomach, when it gets an hour ore two before bedtime it eases...
Its much better today, as i dont have the chaotic thougts, and can acept where i am in the process more easely. aceptence is the keyword here realy, as i tend to get very impatient with bad feelings
Thankfully i have a work-day ( 50% aploiment)... so i can distract my mind abit i will also be shure to to some more gardening, hiking, e.t.c today afther work if it continues.
thanks guyes!
ADHD and dyscalculia diagnosis at 19
Your Aspie score: 145 of 200
Your NT- score: 62 of 200
(In the process of getting a ASD diagnosis)
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