Wandering_Stranger wrote:
Eurgh. He's blaming me now. Apparently, I need to learn the definition of what a friend is. And if he ends up in hospital again, it's my fault.

I am not forcing him to harass me.
According to his psychologist and one of his support workers, he's doing nothing wrong.
I've now blocked him on Facebook. Really can't be bothered with him any more.
He's using emotional blackmail - not on at all
"According to his psychologist and one of his support workers, he's doing nothing wrong."
Have you heard them say this themselves or has he just said it?
If he is harrassing you it is doing plenty wrong and they are not advocating for him properly at all
as he could potentially end up in prison for acting in this way.
So he's either making it up that they are ok with his behaviour or they are just not very intelligent
What condition does he have exactly?
Does he have a Learning Disability? ie lower than average iQ
Are you in America or the UK?
'Sentimentality is a superstructure covering brutality' C.G Jung