What are some strategies NTs use to push you away or distance themselves from you?
In my experience, they use a lot of subtle and not so subtle strategies, which I've compiled in a list below:
1). Explain a problem to an NT. For example, you're having a bad day and need to cry or vent.
Technique for pushing you away: The NT will listen to said problem and then either deny it exists or tell you the problem is not that bad. It is a BRILLIANT STRATEGY, because by denying it exists or its severity, they don't have to listen!
2). Try to have a conversation with an NT just to be social. For example, introduce a common point of reference, such as a well-known restaurant or landmark in the town you both live in.
Technique used: The person will deny they've heard of the landmark or reference! The person and I've lived in the town for ages but the person does not want to talk to me, so they deny they've heard of, say, Main Street. This is a poor example but hopefully you get my drift. The couple of times this has happened, I couldn't figure out whether the person was joking or mocking me in private.
3). Call an NT.
Technique used: The person will deny that they got the phone call when you see them next. I wish they would tell me directly that they just don't like me instead of this sneaky crap. If it happened once, I'd understand, but it has happened enough times that I wonder why people are avoiding me.
4). Sit down near an NT in a group.
Technique used: The NT will leave shortly after you sit down.
5). Try to be friendly with an NT.
Technique used: The person will avoid eye-contact with you and avoid approaching you. But if you speak to them, they will still speak to you but make sure to avoid your gaze.
Some may take offense at this list, because it makes me seem a bit NTish myself I guess, since I don't like it when people avoid eye-contact selectively with me yet give everyone else eye-contact. However, I understand it when people avoid eye-contact altogether, it's just the selective stuff that hurts.
As I read this post over, perhaps I'm just a very annoying person, as it has become clear upon writing that I do most of the work in social interactions. I try to please people and "pass" for NT but maybe they are thinking I'm just a mosquito they need to swat to go the hell away....
Do you have a list? (Feel free to comment or add to the list above)
Last edited by tjr1243 on 04 Jul 2013, 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.