Hmm ...
1. Does he admit what he did?
In a recent verse on the song “Jodeci Freestyle”, I said something highly offensive to people with Autism.
2. Does he admit that it was wrong?
Last week, when I first saw a comment from someone outraged about the lyric, I realized right away that what I said was wrong.
3. Does he say, "I'm sorry"?
To anyone suffering from Autism, either mildly or severely, I am sorry.
4. Does he express repentance?
I want to educate myself more on Autism, and I’ll gladly own my mistake and serve as an example to today’s generation that there’s nothing cool about mean-spirited comments about someone with Autism.
5. Does he ask to be forgiven?
To the parents who are fighting through the frustrations that must come with raising a child with severe autism, finding strength and patience that they never knew they had; to the college student with Asperger’s Syndrome; to all those overcoming Autism. You deserve medals, not disrespect. I hope you accept my sincere apology.
6. Does he make excuses?
7. Is he offering restitution (i.e. a financial settlement, perhaps)?
8. Does he at least promise to remove the song from his current and future performances?
Unless he at least
offers to donate all of the profits from his hateful "Jodeci Freestyle" to a cause that supports Autism awareness and education, or that gives financial support for people with Autism and their families, then
I doubt his sincerity in making this so-called "apology". Without sacrificing the profits, he is showing that he is willing to do anything - even issue a fake apology - as long as he gets to keep the money.
Further, unless he immediately withdraws "Jodeci Freestyle" from all airplay and download sites, then he may as well just slap each and every one of us in the face every time it plays.
He reveals his true intentions with 7 and 8.