Yes, and this is a common ASD trait.
The biggest example I can think of was when I graduated from business school when I was 19 years old. I was congratulated and praised and told it was a pretty big deal and all that sort of stuff.. but I was just kinda like "meh, it's just something I did over the last couple years." I felt like I'd just kind of gone through the motions and that anyone could have done it had they bothered to show up every day. In hindsight, others were right.. starting business school at 17 and rattling off 130.5 credits in 2 years while being the student association's chair of business and health sciences was kind of a big deal of an accomplishment - I really didn't give myself the credit I deserved for it at the time.
And countless other examples.. I've tended not to think of myself as smart or special, but in my Aspie cynical nature, I've thought that others must be stupid if they think this <insert accomplishment/task/process> is a big deal. In my current much clearer headed state, I'm actually pretty good at a lot of things & don't give myself the credit I should for it.
for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.