razzio wrote:
If could go back in time I would tried harder to socialise with other people at school and then I wouldn’t have been lonely and depressed and with this terrible devil illness ocd. And stayed at college and got a car. And went travelling in Europe. Been autistic is lonely. If that makes any sense.
I'd socialise more with people at school and go out with that pretty girl who liked me. I'd study harder and get better grades and go to college, at least to see what it's like, socially as well as academically.
I'd get a car and liscence at 16 instead of waiting until I was 19. I'd start dating younger instead of waiting until I was well into my 20s. I might spend some months backpacking around Europe or Asia with a few of my closest friends, instead of staying at home by myself and surfing the web.
I'd stay home on the day when all my stuff got burgled. I'd buy a house when I was 25. I'd use my foreknowladge to play the stock market. I'd also take a walk around in Ancient Rome.
The days are long, but the years are short