My little cousin has been showing signs of aspergers (He's 5) and my cousin who's 22 has some obvious autism spectrum disorder and recently bluntly fought with me on the subject of gay marriage with little evidence on her part. And then again recently she asked me for 100 dollars and I was very nice saying we couldn't afford that right now. But like.... you don't come up to your cousin-who you hate-and ask for 100 dollars after you just fought with her. And she has a monotone voice. VERY socially awkward. And has been in special ed all her life but has never been diagnosed. She is very oblivious (As am I) and says all the wrong things 24/7 and she has always been in speech therapy. I honestly think she has some form of autism. I don't think it's aspergers though. I've known her all my life and she doesn't strike me as an aspie.
Then there's my birth dad (Everything i'm mentioning is on his side of the family) he spends his life fixing computers for a living, video gaming, and watching anime. He is quite socially awkward and doesn't realize it. He stims. If he does have aspergers it's not as bad but it's still definitely there. And one of my many little half brothers (My birth dads sons) is showing signs of aspergers too.
So for my family I think the cause is some genetic thing. Anyone else think there's is genetic?
"Diagnosed aspergers syndrome/autism spectrum disorder. Femme lesbian and proud."