Don't gimme that poison!
To my mother's dismay, I'm starting to lose faith in the Mental Health system. Why? Simple. Seems like everytime I score a new script, it actually makes things worse, sometimes even drives me to the breaking point. I told my doctor, "refill my muscle relaxers, klonipin, and seroquel. I don't want any anti-depressants, bi-polars & mood stabilizers, and for the love of god don't put me back on rispredal."
They always seem confused, and I don't mean to disregard their status as a doctor, but what's really amusing is they'll sit there and say, "Well, I haven't heard of anybody having those side-effects from that."
It's usually pretty easy to make sense of it to them. "Have you taken these doc? Meds aren't across the board, they can have different effects on different people."
I won't disregard your knowledge, but I feel since I'm putting this in my body, you shouldn't be disregarding my testimony. After all I did everything you told me to do and took the meds until they could have full effect, but the full effect was bad."
In general I'm just tired of the pills, the therapists, all of it. I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself. I say refill the good, effective ones, pitch the bad, ineffective ones, and let nature take its course. I'm sure everything will turn out just fine if we did that.
One love.
I don't have full faith in the mental health system either. I have had OCD, anxiety, depression or whatever, but I still don't know exactly what the problem is. I have seen some psychologists and psychiatrists, but I don't seem to have benefited from that. In addition the medication didn't help me at all. I tried quite a few different prescribed meds for a period of time but none of them had any positive effects at all. It was exactly the same as not taking medication. When I abruptly stopped taking the medication, it didn't casue any withdrawal symptoms either. It was doing absolutely nothing.
Each person reacts differently to different medicines. So if you had certain problems with a certain medicine, then that's what it does to you. The doctor has to believe it. Some doctors have a bad habit of not listening to their patients. You have to ditch them and find a better one.
I had some truly horrible experiences with prescribed drugs, and I am on a couple that really seem to help (Lyrica and Valium). The worst ones were antidepressants, which did me no good at all - the least harmful was an older one called Lustral.
As long as you have gone the full duration for a reasonable response (probably about 3 months), you should be able to judge the effects, and your psych should be able to run some simple mood scale questionnaire and decide whether you are objectively wrong. Arguing with psychs is the absolute pits, and results in abusive punishment if you are in a hospital.
I couldn't agree with you more. I think meds for mental health is unpredictable. Our brains are so complex. Doctors need to listen to their patients.
I haven't taken any meds for mental health but I got convinced to take the vaccine gardisil (don't know how to spell it), a week after taking it I got violent muscle spasms and 4 years later I still have all over the body spasms. They're horrible. I told my doctor soon after I started the spasms and they said "we've never heard of that reaction to that vaccine before. Looks like you aren't a good candidate for that vaccine. Don't take the last two doses of it". Thanks for helping, not. Hate doctors.