Yes I'm like it all the time. When my best friend is over my wife is always telling me off for drifting off and ignoring him, but I just can't help it
Even though I'm married we have two separate beds, they are pushed side by side, but I still prefer her to sleep on her bed and not encroach on my side
If I want 'intimacy' I can easily roll over onto her bed for it, though usually I like to keep my space to myself. The strange thing is that even though I love 'me' time, I also love the company of my wife and kids, and enjoy having my few limited friends over.
Like you said - its not being antisocial so much as not being able to actually cope with people for long.
Autistic dad to an autistic boy and loving it - its always fun in our house
I have Autism. My communication difficulties mean that I sometimes get words wrong, that what I mean is not what comes out.