I take Lithium for bipolar disorder, and I've been on it for 8 months at increasingly higher doses and I've only just got within the therapeutic blood range. I was still getting bipolar mood swings, but for me that means depression and euphoric manias, I generally don't get anger or irritability in my cluster of symptoms. My psychiatrist just recently raised my dose again, this time higher than the recommended therapeutic range, and I'm waiting for my blood tests to see if my blood levels increased a little bit. I think they have, because I feel much calmer and steady. I don't notice flatness, but I am a little more sedated in the morning. I also occasionally get gastrointestinal upset after I take the lithium.
Transgender. Call me 'he' please. I'm a guy.
Diagnosed Bipolar and Aspergers (questioning the ASD diagnosis).
Free speech means the right to shout 'theatre' in a crowded fire.
--Abbie Hoffman