well here's my ASC family (I'm looking at 4 generations of Aspies here!):
2 highly sexually orientated males who haven't really learned to focus on anything else (fortunately, they are married to each other and both very correct in their behaviour towards others so it's just a bit of a hassle), 1 adult male who hasn't discovered sex yet but will in his own time, 2 asexual females, 2 gay, one bi, one trans and one pan and at least 4 androgenous not really sures. Several computer geeks including the main virus cracker for a well known antivirus utility in the 90s, 2 artists, a librarian, a builder, a physicist, a stock broker, 3 teachers, 3 linguists an architect, an oxford don (English Lit.) 2 diplomats and a musician.
3 with savant skills (Maths and colour), 3 synaesthetes, 3 with hyperacusis, 2 with perfect pitch, 4 with prosopagnosia (2 severe) one of whom recognises people by smell....
Several very painfully shy including a selective mute and a virtual hermit, most just not too good at the social side of things, and more than a couple who are highly social but really not good at getting it right...
Oh...and quite a few successful marriages and relationships which have clearly produced successive generations!
There are also a handful of NTs dotted about here and there.
When you've met one of us you have met an individual!! !