There are some Aspergians who are very gregarious, however, they typically still lack social skills and often have trouble understanding personal boundaries. They may talk too much, going on and on about things in which others have no interest, never realizing they're boring someone to death; they may become bossy and pretentious; they may stand too close when talking to someone, not noticing that their proximity is making the other person uncomfortable, things like that.
When I was very young (pre-2nd grade), I was painfully aware that I did not know how to properly interact with other kids or make friends naturally, so I tended to act up on occasion, behaving wildy, making cartoonish voices and pulling silly stunts and faces for attention. By 2nd grade, I had begun to realize that while I was getting the group's attention, I still wasn't making any personal connections, I was just convincing the other kids I was weird. As a result I then felt humiliated by my own behavior and became quiet and withdrawn and have stayed so to this day.
I did find a vocational use for the cartoon voices, though, but that's another story.