I'm torn on this; I've never seen an act that I could relate to so well but at the same time feel like it went a bit overboard (like IdleHands post mentioned), at least in some scenes. To be brutally honest I thought of white actors painting their skin to play actors of other races in the old movie days.
That said, Diane Kruger did avoid eye contact a lot in the interview and mention some social anxiety, perhaps there's a bit of AS in play... Or was she in character? Hmm..
I wonder how much of the overboard, trying too hard, w/e, came from the writers. In any case Sonya's behavior should be consistent with her position as a homicide detective; too extreme, like changing her clothes in front of her boss while in the office, would have likely prevented her from getting the job in the first place. Sonya's behavior also seemed inconsistent with her age; sure we need reminders on stuff like "eye-contact" sometimes but by the time we're promoted to a senior position we have learned to adapt/blend in more than her character portrayed.
To the credit of all involved my wife did turn to me during the show and say "hey look, it's you" so you're definitely on the right track.
For the record I've long held belief that at a high level all humans are ultimately equal, where there is a gift there is a cost. The tricky part is identifying and developing the gifts while avoiding failure due to what they cost.
Overall I thought the show was quite good, good enough to program my DVR to record future episodes, which I haven't done in years.
I'm new here so please pardon me if my post is too extreme for the context of these forums.