I like getting buses. I just get a bit stressed if it gets overcrowded, especially during the school holidays when people decide to bring their kids on. I don't mind children over 5 so much, but usually if a parent has a bunch of kids with them, they always have a toddler as well, and I've found that toddlers get more hyper or tantrumy when their older siblings are with them. It's usually the same situation; the older siblings independantly go and find a seat together, and and toddler has to remain with the parents at the front of the bus in the pushchair, and the toddler wants to be like it's older siblings and so wants to get out. ''No!'' shouts the mother, ''you can't get out!'' Then ''WWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!'' Here we go, we haven't got to hear this brat whining and bawling about not being able to get out of the pushchair, have we? I panic about being enclosed in a small space when there's somebody's brat what just won't stop. I also dislike children under 6 behind me, because they swing their legs or fidget, and I can feel it on the back of my seat. Also I wouldn't want a toddler behind me making unpredictable noises right in my ear.
If it weren't for small children, I would love getting buses even more than I do. If it weren't for small children, I would enjoy myself more wherever I go....