maldoror wrote:
Sometimes I feel like a walking birth defect. I have, in my collection: curvey middle fingers, a somewhat large head, left-handedness, a slightly concaved sternum, a spontaneous patch of brown in one of my eyes, and a tail. Just kidding about that last one. Seriously, everything else looks great. Anyway, I was curious to know if the incidence of brith defects like these is higher in people with AS or if it's something everyone has to deal with, or if it's something just I have to deal with. Do any of you have "interesting" little facets like these?
Apparantly, there IS a high incidence of this.
I don't know about your curvy fingers or slightly large head, but....
The patch of brown in the eyes might be in the iris. If so, it is likely a variant of a similar thing I have.
The concave sternum is something I HAVE seen before, so I guess it isn't THAT rare.
Left handed-ness? A number of people, including my mother, have THAT!
As for the tail? From what I have heard, a number of people here may have that! NOT KIDDING! They aren't very big, so you wouldn't know. Ever see shallow hal?
And HEY, some birt defects seem to just come in groups. BESIDES, a could that you have may have been due to an early birth, or something similar.