neilson_wheels wrote:
Everyone reacts differently to medication whether they are on the spectrum or not.
From my own experiences, conversations I have had on WP and other things that I have read, I feel that some, not all, people with AS are more sensitive to medication, the dose and can react differently to what is expected.
This can be true for both desired effects and side effects.
Hope that helps, this is my personal opinion only.
Agree^ with that.
It's a trial-and-error enterprise, for each individual with each medication.
One example: A starting dose of Luvox is supposedly 50 mg.
My shrink started me on 25 mg. (for 3 or 4 weeks) & I already felt worse from it,
when she had me increase it up to 50 mg. (for 1 or 2 weeks) I was a wreck.
I was exhausted all the time, couldn't wake up, felt no joy or enthusiasm or interest in anything.
I told her I was not going to keep taking this stuff, it made me want to stop living, that's how bad it was for me.
She agreed & took me off it, and within a week or so I felt better.
She was surprised-but she believed me-that what she considered a "normal/standard" low dose was way too high for me.
Go figure, the anti-depressant depressed the (bleep) out of me !
Thank goodness I'm done with that med. (am trying others instead)
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*