I think I'm a hybrid.
I check the cupboards, fridge, etc before writing a shopping list.
The list is to keep me grounded when I go shopping.
When I get to the shops I go down the aisles in the same order every time, and as I go by a section where there is something on the list, it's almost like the word I wrote on the list comes up in my mind, or I hear my own voice say the word for the item I need.
Typically I collect all the shopping this way, and check the list when I think I have everything.
I usually manage to get about 95% of all the items I put on the list before I check it.
Writing the list reduces my temptation to make impulse purchases.
I also find that I remember to buy some things I have forgotten to put on the list, because my mind is in the right place.
I can remember my way to my cousin's house, which is the house my dad grew up in, and that my grandmother used to live in.
I have never needed a map to find the place, even though it is nearly 800km from where I live.
I used to deliver pizzas, and would only need to look a the address, reference number, and briefly look at the map once to find my destination.
I have a quite reliable sense of direction, and can usually find my way to a familiar location, even quite some distance away without reference to maps, GPS, or directions. This is the case whether the location is walking distance, a short drive, or may take several days to arrive by car etc.
When I listen to music, I can usually make a fairly accurate attempt at duplicating the tune on my guitar, sometimes with only one listening.
I remember faces, but not always names.
I can't delete some info out of my head, like family birthdays (even though I have no contact with my family), and some phone numbers.
When I think, I can hear the sound of my own voice in my head speaking the words; such as whilst writing this it's like I am narrating my own post.
It's not a literal thing, I don't auditorily hallucinate, but I imagine the sound of my voice speaking the words.
I wouldn't say I have a photographic or eidetic memory, but I can strongly remember images of things, kind of like a photo, especially things that have a strong attraction or attachment for me, like both of my grandmother's homes (both long since passed away), or the house I grew up in.
When I go back and find they don't match my memory, because there has been some sort of change, I feel cheated because it doesn't match my memory and expectation; such as the house I grew up in had a new fence and guttering put on, so it didn't feel like my old house anymore.
I think I sense things emotionally first, then try to translate to spoken language, images, or a concept, like home, work, house, etc, but first and foremost it would be whether or not I associate the place as good or bad, as in whether I feel safe there, or I find it confronting.
It is common for autistics to be visual thinkers, Temple Grandin's book "Thinking in Pictures" was about this, and at the time Temple assumed that like her, all autistics thought in pictures.
I think some are visual, some are verbal, and some like myself are hybrids.
Probably the same with NT's, though their actual process is different.