ih1981 wrote:
Hello,...........................How does you overcome this. Have anyone overcome the social weakness and how do you do it.
Welcome to the site.
This is a common problem, try not to despair, there are ways to make this easier. As above I choose to limit my interactions with other people.
I can identify with what you experience:
Feeling awkward - This is usually anxiety so research ways to deal with this.
Overwhelming - Can often be due to being overly focused on one part and possibly getting over enthusiastic, also missing cues in conversation and not allowing the other person to talk. Try slowing your speech and paying more attention to the other person.
Seemingly drunk - Can be due to different mental processing speed, mouth can not keep up with brain, for me this is magnified when tired, including mental exhaustion from too much interaction.
When you have problems it is best to try to identify and separate them, rather than just looking at the whole, feeling like a failure and beating yourself up for it.
So there are things that you can work on for yourself, also think about ways that you can modify the way you work to reduce the impact. Try to keep networking to shorter periods of time and then give yourself time to recover after.