I have a friend who is also aspergers (yes, despite what you may think, I DO have friends! ). His aspergers (at least, we think it's his AS) seems to essentially "block" his brain from recognising different letters and connecting them to sounds, so he is unable to read or write. The teachers gave up on him in 4th grade as a lost cause. I have promised that I would try and help him learn to read, but I have no idea how to go about doing so.
I was thinking of starting with words that are familiar to him, then work from there. He recently got the newest Weird Al Yankovic album from his father for Christmas, which he adores. I have noticed that he seems to recognise, at least to some degree, the track names on the list on the back cover. I was thinking of starting by teaching him how to read the names of the tracks, something he's familiar with and partially knows already, then work from there. He is by no means unintelligent, and I'm fairly sure that once we've broken through his "block" and have him able to connect letters to sounds and create words with them he should have no troubles.
Does anyone have any advice or know of any better ways to go about teaching him?
Why can't we live in a world where even chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned?