roger2006 wrote:
I hate nazis so dont use that word on me please! You dont know me so do not try to imply that I have an attitude. I do not for any one reason think anyone on this planet has a right over another group, and that is why war, eugenics, murder, rape, gas chambers, killing the lot, violence, bigotry, bullying, persecution, partisian attitudes - all the tired old attempts and schemes and tricks to justify one person/race/country over another is just so bloody old fashioned.
In my other post I said NT's would be at a loss without us. How can that justify the words you have just used towards me?
Because you have used blanket generalizations like "Elimination' of others is just the NT's narrowmidness and narrowsightness" and you use these remarks in a derogatory way. I am NT and I love the way my son thinks and views things and sees the world. I am sad for the treatment my brother received his entire damn life in school by jerks etc. (I believe my brother is an undiagnosed aspie) However, if you could see the things we NT see with our emotional views always on high alert then you would want to alleviate the alienation of our loved ones as well. ( I am not saying our view is worse or better or anything else here, just different than an Asperger view)
Could it be by teaching tolerance, YES, I totally think that is the way to go . However, people don't want to accept that the easiest road is to teach tolerance. I mean, we have been trying to teach tolerance for ethnic backgrounds and sexual orientation for eons now.