I just watched this program on the genius sperm bank in california, made by some nutball. (closed in 1999). Anyway, they profiled some of the resulting children from that. One of them was an adorable little boy who was very bright (not genius). Apparently tested achievement-wise at the 8th grade level when he was in 4th grade. They mentioned he had a form of autism. They didn't follow that train of thought, but they interviewed the kid and he said (and seemed) that "he was just a happy, normal kid" or something like that. Anyay, wierd eugenics aside, i thought the intelligence/most likely aspergers/happy and likeable personality combination was worth mentioning.
He seemed like a really cool, likable, optimistic kid; someone i'd want in my family. If they hadn't mentioned autism, the only little clue that he was a bit different were a couple slight facial tics. (similar to my own)
Anyway, thought that was cool.
By the way, kid's sperm donor father was an egotistical as*hole. He thought that by spreading his seed he was giving a gracious gift to mankind. Fathered 19 children and regarded them all as trophies. AND, there is no evidence that genius breeds genius. Most of the kids they found were normal to gifted IQ, not genius. They were mostly all cute though.