Daisy12345 wrote:
I've lived on my own since I was 19 and been fine. But all the time my mum keeps telling me I (physically) can't do things.
I feel really depressed over this, and I want to cut off from her because of it. I know this is not the way forward. I have tried talking to her, and telling her that I don't need her to agree to my decisions before I make them, because I am an adult, but she doesn't really hear what I am saying. What can I say/do?
My personal opinion is to get rid to aid and ppl who help you if they are no real help and to do the thing you can do on your own. Because so more helpsupport you have in your life the more help you get BUT also the more you have ppl who control you.
If you get help from a system, you have to deal with the system and then of course your mother is seeing this and thinks you can't get around by yourself, because why else you should need a council?
And if you don't need it, don't use the support and you'll soon have your freedom, then tell your mom you get along just fine. She propably wouldn't believe you first, but when she sees you are right, she wouldn't be controlling anymore.
You know, it's like getting a wheelchair and THEN get angry when others think you could need it...!
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen