Airline/Train/Coach bus experiences
Something both autistic and neurotypical people can relate to
My Aspie friend recently told me of his Airline story, it was horrible how a Native American Reservation was treating him better than the Airline who cancelled their flight on him due to plane breaking down and having him and his dad run around the Country. But on the good side he managed to get some free souvenirs with his sob story.
Besides the airline itself and my fear of heights I just hate the people around it. A woman once took my suitcase by accident and left me and my family in the air port for an hour waiting for it to come back, didn't bother apologizing and gave us a dirty look when it has her fault she didn't bother to check the inside of the suitcase or even look at the freaking tag.
I hate when people ask for seat trading especially when my family has organized to make sure we all sit together, these people won't take no for an answer or give you looks till you give into their poor planning, I hate that these beggars are choosers. Speaking of seats I hate how in transportation in general some people take up more space that they should, I hate when on the coach bus someone immediately hogs a whole row so they can use it as a bed, or they steal your seat when you get off the bus at a rest stop. I hate how people that use the bathroom in the back don't close the door when they're done so people that sit close to it don't have to smell the feces and urine as much. If the bus, plane or train has recharging stations it's likely the stranger you're sitting next to will hog them all to recharge all his/her stuff even if it's at full power.
With the social anxiety I have I'm very reluctant to use my laptop to internet browse, play games or watch stuff because the strangers around me will most likely start looking at my screen if they don't have a smartphone or anything to occupy themselves with. I feel like I'm being judged based on what I watch when in their mind they could just be interested in what I'm doing.
Food, I usually end up having people stare at me when they notice I'm not eating food from the airline, train cafe, or rest stop. I looked into what foods I can bring past airport security and decided to bring them in surplus if it's a long ride. They seem to have faces of disgust when they see me asking the flight attendant for some hot water so I could pour it on my oatmeal mix. If I'm on a coach bus I can basically bring whatever I want whether hot or cold as long as it can fit in my lunch tote. I sometimes have people look at me in disgust as if eating is a sin, I usually make sure my foods aren't odorous and sloppy, I eat with utensils even for hand food.
What's your experiences?

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travelling is, at best, a chore. my last time on a transcontinental bus, it took 4 and a half days to go from Columbia SC to Tacoma WA. since the seats would not recline, and since I cannot sleep upright, I was basically awake [but in a daze] for those 4 and a half days, and by the time I got home I was so tired that I slept for 4 days straight, getting up only to go to the bathroom. that was the last bus ride for me, ever.
I took a train ride a few months back, from flagstaff AZ to Olympia WA- same problem with the seats not reclining, so I was also in a daze for 3 days. slept not quite as long when I got home. the good part was the overpriced but tasty traincar restaurant meals. also met some fascinating people.
I used to enjoy riding the Metrolink to LA and took Amtrak to San Diego once. I've ridden Greyhound a couple of times and though it can be cramped and 'aromatic' at times I found it enjoyable to have a captive audience to monologue at - TBH the last time I rode was before Ipods and smartphones so it was a bit easier to socialize, there were a few seatmates who invited me to eat with them at stops.
Since I got my own personal transport I've had very little to do with going anywhere by anyone else's steam; I've never much liked being at the mercy of someone else's scheduling or choice of route.
Let's go on out and take a moped ride, and all your friends will thing your brain is fried, but you can't live your life too dirty, 'cause in the the end you're born to go 30

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I have taken the Amtrak from Seattle to Portland, OR once. It was a pleasant ride.
Travelling can be a bit boring for me, but to me, I have creative ways for killing time.
Someday, I will make it to Rhode Island.....
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I'm used to flying although it's sure not what I prefer. Generally speaking I go a bit bonkers when I can't actuate my own clutch . I actually have some highlights of mass transit experience though. I had to take a 3 hour coach ride on Long Island visiting my grandmother mid-vacation, and in the process I met a TIME journalist with a lot of knowledge on my technology background. A couple years before I almost asked a girl out after a Southwest flight, but we both knew how shortsighted that could've been. Furthermore I've seen my share of cancellations, delays, hangups, train rides and even medical emergencies flying around the country, it's not that I can't sleep in passenger cabins, I choose not to because of what I get out of my heightened awareness - better views, time for music or work, attention to complications and snacks. I can sleep just fine on a school desk, but people watching gets pretty engaging when one's jetlag tendencies have been broken entirely.
P.S. You should all travel with foam earplugs. It's either total awareness or blissful ignorance for me, and how I taught myself to sleep sitting up when absolutely necessary. Hoodies are also indispensable, I always travel with the means to completely block out reality, but it's rare that I pull out all the stops.
"Standing on a well-chilled cinder, we see the fading of the suns, and try to recall the vanished brilliance of the origin of the worlds."
-Georges Lemaitre
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-Gem Tos

Well, let's see.
I took a Greyhound from L.A. to NY. It took 3 days and a few bus changes to do it. I did stop in Vegas for a few minutes and won $17 playing Jeopardy.
I took the train from Portland, OR to Seattle after my car broke down in Portland. That was no fun.
I've flown from NY to Des Moines, IA. That was cool.
I was in the bus terminal in Denver and Chicago. Chicago was scary. Lots of shady characters. Denver was a little better though not by much.
I've ended up in ghettos in a few of my travels. Indeed, they were all eye openers but they were things I wouldn't like to experience again.
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Joined: 18 May 2011
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I love traveling by train.
I traveled by train from Washington DC to Chicago to San Francisco.
It was grrrrrrreat!
During college, I rode Metrolink and Amtrak between Lost Angleles (sqoool) and Carmen Santiago (home) regularly.
Traveling by bus is qoool too.
I rode Chinatown buses between Boston, New York, and Washington DC.
Those are the buses that tend to flip over on the freeway.
I love traveling by car too.
My favorite roadtrip was San Diego and Seattle roundtrip.
I hate traveling by plane.
My longest boat ride was Long Beach to Catalina Island.
Flying fish!
Drain and plane and grain and blain your brain, and then again,
Propane and butane out of the gas main, your blain shall sustain!