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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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26 Sep 2009, 7:12 am

Recently I watched a TV program which profiled a child with mild Asperger's disorder. It made me take a take a look at my own self as a child and wonder if I could have had this disorder which had gone undiagnosed. I realize it's not possible to make any determinations or diagnosis simply by reading my story, but I'd appreciate your thoughts/opinions/input and opinion as to whether you feel I could have possibly had this disorder? I am now in my late 40's and only recently have wondered about this possibility.

So here's my story. All of my life I'd dealt with what I (and my family) had thought was being "painfully shy". As a toddler I'd avoid talking to strangers. In fact, the only people I spoke to readily were my parents, grandparents and siblings. My aunt used to "bribe" me with money to actually speak to her. Which made me even more self conscious about speaking to her. I can't explain it, I just felt very awkward speaking to people I wasn't familiar with. My parents used to say "Oh she's very shy" when a stranger would say hello and I didn't reply. My verbal/language skills were very good however, mom said I spoke early and walked ealy too. By the time I started kindergarten, while I spoke when spoken to of course, I found it difficult to speak aloud in front of class, make new friends, and never raised my hand to answer a question. However from first grade on, I maintained and A and B average in my grades. Again, the problem was, difficulty in making new friends, meeting people, interacting with children. One teacher told my parents that I prefered being alone and didn't often participate in group activities. Others said I was "quiet". ANother teacher labled me as "withdrawn". Also, for years I had a repetitive habit of twisting my hair around my fingers. (A sign???)

As the years went by and I entered middle and high school, I slowly "came out of my shell" so to speak, and made friends more easily. Still, I wasn't the popular one, didn't date all too frequently, because I still suffered from "shyness". As I matured I had several relationships, and became more adept and social skills and interactions. As an adult I now consider myself fairly outgoing, although deep down I still find it difficult to initiate personal conversation with strangers (prefering them to make the first gesture) and slightly uncomfortable around someone until I get to know them. However, once the ice is broken, I am very friendly and love to engage in conversation about various topics.

Sooooooo anyway....What do you think? As a child, did I display classic signs of asperger's? I'd love your opinion. Thank you.


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26 Sep 2009, 12:19 pm

Welcome to WrongPlanet.

Sounds similar to behaviors I have had as a child, teenager, and now young adult, so I will give you a relative yes.


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26 Sep 2009, 12:26 pm


Welcome to WP.

I have a four year old son who was dx with mild Autism. After learning more about the autism spectrum, I am pretty sure that I at least have many traits.

I had the opportunity to speak to a child psychiatrist who specializes with children on the autism spectrum. He advised that it is very common for two parents with "traits" to have a child on the spectrum. He didn't think that I had Aspergers in the fully clinical sense, but, gosh darn, I know that I would have probably been assessed if I was born in this decade.

Anyways, in answer to your question, you may well have at least been displaying "traits" of aspergers.


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26 Sep 2009, 12:44 pm

I'd encourage you to get an assessment where they examine your baby book and interview your relatives. I did that when I was diagnosed. That will help to determine if you just have "traits" or if you have the full-blown syndrome.

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

I am a very strange female.

Don't take life so seriously. It isn't permanent!


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26 Sep 2009, 11:14 pm

"Shyness" is only a part of AS. Have you had a history of strong/obsessive interests? Have you had a "lack of empathy", difficulty in understanding other people's feelings?

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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27 Sep 2009, 6:58 am

Alien_Papa wrote:
"Shyness" is only a part of AS. Have you had a history of strong/obsessive interests? Have you had a "lack of empathy", difficulty in understanding other people's feelings?

In answer to your questions, I have to say a resounding NO. In fact, most people say I am/have always been extremely sensitive to others' feelings and display a good deal of empathy. I read people's feelings pretty well I believe. As for obsessive interests or behavior, nope...none of that either. So basically, it's just that extreme shyness I had as a child. I'm still shy (in new situations/with new people), but that's basically it. What do ya think?