Well, around one of 40 people has an IQ over 130. So, if you took a random sample of 30 kids, having 3 with IQ over 130 would be unusual, even discounting autism.
The rate of gifted autistics is higher than would be expected by chance. Although very little statistical data has been done, similarities in neurological organization between
autistic people and eminent scientists has been documented, and what data is available suggests that many HFA/AS people have IQs above 130. Nevertheless, there are still plenty of non-autistic gifted kids.
But this all assumes your school is a random sample, and you've said it isn't. Assuming that the academic abilities of the students reflect their IQ, a Band 1 school should consist of kids with an IQ of about 107 and higher. This would predict that 29% of the kids in your school have an IQ above 130, meaning that out of 30 kids, you'd expect 8 or 9 with IQs over 130. Given the elevated rate of HFA/AS among gifted kids, having 3 or 4 HFA/AS + gifted kids would not be that unexpected.
doubt the proportion of gifted kids in my school in that high. so 2% of general population is gifted. my school consists mainly (I would say 75%) of kids of IQ o 67% percentile or higher (there are some borderlinely ret*d students who works very hard in my school with IQ 70-80 btw). then less then 6% in my school is gifted. (i suck at math tho). and my class is just an avg class in terms of acadamic results.