Around Christmas time, after an intense period of forced socialisation with my family, I got this urge to go and sit underneath the big table in the front room, under where the table cloth was, in the middle, surrounded by the chairs. I was thinking of this and then found myself recalling other toimes where I wanted to go under things.
For ecxample, until my oparents got undere-bed stprage, I used to go under my bed (although it was a VERY tight squeeze), when I was small, I'd hide from the other children in the bend of the long concrete tunnel we hads in our park, when I was six, I'd hide in the lower riught compartment of the sideboard where Mum stotres tablecloths and towels (the cat took the upper left compartment
) and when I was 9, I'd snuggle up on the lowest shelf of our airing/boiler cupboard behind the dishcloths and bath towels and hide there.
On all these occasions, the dark amd the closeness of my surroundings made me feel calm, and in t5he incident at Christmas I wanted that closeness and safeness again. Unfortunatel;y my parents thought that whenm I moved towards the table, I wanted to play the board game on it, and despite my protests, started the game up and made me get involved. ARGH!
So afterwards I hid in my combirobe, at the bottom. Peace at last!
Does anyone else (or did they but not now) do this? Can anyone here identify with this?