My son is now 17, and started playing video games as a toddler. For a while it was an obsessive interest, but it never really affected his schoolwork or anything like that. For years, because I was somewhat clueless, I would tell him that by the time he was 16, he should diminish the video games, and by 18 the interest in video games should almost be completely gone and that he should start becoming interested in girls... What was I thinking???
As he grew older, I thought that the video game thing was manageable -- he played a lot during the summer when there was nothing else to do, but during the school year, he played just to relax and never to excess. Schoolwork always has come first for him, even though it's not easy. I couldn't see him stopping the video games, but he was doing it an appropriate amount. Besides, NT guys his age were playing them too, right on into college, and I figured, hey, he'll have something to socialize about in college... Also, I thought that Xbox live was at least social, in that he was talking with other people, so I was happy that at least that socialization was going on.
Funny thing. This year, just before school, my son just stopped playing video games, cold turkey. As far as I can tell, there's no reason for it. He says that he just got bored. He replaced that with teaching himself guitar and learning tabs online. This would seem like an answer to prayers, as this "appears" to be an advancement, a shift. Oddly enough, though, I'm almost wondering if he would be better off playing Xbox live and talking to other guys rather than playing guitar by himself. I would worry, but we just took him to a college overnight at a liberal arts college, and he had a great time socially...
It's just perplexing. Anybody else out there just up and quit video games? If so, do you remember why?