my 49 year fascination with left handers. are you a lefty?
since my earliest moments, i can remember being left handed while noticing most others were was very difficult because i could never color good, write good, cut with scissors worth a crap, lol.....god everyone thought i was hopeless..couldnt't even tie my shoe right until i was about 7, lol
anyway, i always notice when someone is a lefty, usually if you eat or write lefthanded, your left handed, BUT NOT ALWAYS......most lefties will swing a golf club righthanded and swing a baseball bat righty, BUT NOT ALWAYS
things i have noticed about left handed people over my lifetime:
-they definitely tend to be more aloof and shy
-they tend to be more of the loner type
-they tend to have high intelligence
-they tend to be much more sensitive and emotional
-they tend to be much more creative and artistic
-they tend to be more eccentric
-they tend to have drier sense of humors
now i say these are tendencies and not rules..................but i have observed the left hander for many years
are you DOMINANT left handed???
CURIOUS NOTE: 1 out of 10 is dominant left my son's special needs school, i have noticed a high number of left handed could be my inagination, or maybe not........but is left handed more dominant in autistics?? is for me, best regards, and i really apologize for my typing skills, i am a long hand kind of guy , but very autistic on the key board, lol
Some of your greatest accompolishments are the direct results of your greatest failures. Some of your greatest failures are the direct results of your greatest accompolishments.......AnAutisticMind
-they definitely tend to be more aloof and shy
-they tend to be more of the loner type
-they tend to have high intelligence
-they tend to be much more sensitive and emotional
-they tend to be much more creative and artistic
-they tend to be more eccentric
-they tend to have drier sense of humors
My friend, who is left-handed, exactly fits this description, and her sister is gifted. I *suspect* that she's an aspie; her mom seems to be very aspie-like. However, I'm right-handed.
Joined: 8 Mar 2007
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I am a is my ASish mom..and my ASish very good friend and my AS-ish paternal grandfather..
We seem to have our own wavelength.
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That's freaky. I fit that description completely. And I am left handed. Woah.
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Joined: 6 Apr 2008
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I am very left handed and I fit most of the tendencies you have listed.
Both of my parents are righties and so is my brother.
I'm a lefty in a family of righties.
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- Ace of Base
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sorry to freak ya, lol...........just an autistic with a left handed fascination, rofl
Some of your greatest accompolishments are the direct results of your greatest failures. Some of your greatest failures are the direct results of your greatest accompolishments.......AnAutisticMind
Well, I have been interested as well. My mother is left handed. Regarding your statements?
Color? That isn't hand dependent.
Writing MOST languages(ones written left to right) is harder for ALL left handers, all things equal, because you are pushing the tip away. In fact MANY left handers twist their wrist around to try to make it easier. STILL, there are problems with that.
Cutting with scissors can be hard because MOST are cut to handle the angles of a right hander, but they DO make left handed scissors.
What does tying shoes have to do with handedness? HECK, I use BOTH hands for that!
I will eat/drink with EITHER hand. Heck, I try to give them about an equal amount of work. And that statement made in gattica about handedness? It doesn't apply to me either!
-they definitely tend to be more aloof and shy
-they tend to be more of the loner type
-they tend to have high intelligence
-they tend to be much more sensitive and emotional
-they tend to be much more creative and artistic
-they tend to be more eccentric
-they tend to have drier sense of humors
Sense of humor is open to interpretation, and I am not artistic, though I AM creative. The rest of that describes ME, and I heavily favor my right.
are you DOMINANT left handed???
CURIOUS NOTE: 1 out of 10 is dominant left my son's special needs school, i have noticed a high number of left handed could be my inagination, or maybe not........but is left handed more dominant in autistics?? is for me, best regards, and i really apologize for my typing skills, i am a long hand kind of guy , but very autistic on the key board, lol
I have ALSO observed left handers for many years! For DECADES. 1 out of 10? That sounds HIGH! I suspect most people with AS are left brain dominant. And I am sure that most other autistics are right brain dominant. I say this based on the most predominant strengths, though I have seen other people suggesting the same.
Actually, that means that they use the "right" side of their brain...
lol, yes we are..............righties are inferior to us lefties, rofl
Some of your greatest accompolishments are the direct results of your greatest failures. Some of your greatest failures are the direct results of your greatest accompolishments.......AnAutisticMind
I am ambidextrous. Three of the five doctors I have worked for in my clinic are left handed, and those three actually have the same speciality, believe it or not - the speciality does not welcome more than a handful of graduates into the world each year , which makes it even more remarkable to have a gathering of lefties in the same field in the same office.
I tend to watch handedness. People are surprised when I mention to them Obama is a leftie. I am surprised the media didn't really harp on that (considering they went on and on about him putting the wrong kind of mustard on his hamburger the other day, sheesh).
People think there are four elements to the world; fire, wind, water and earth. They are wrong. There is a 5th element - surprise. - paraphrasing of Terry Pratchett "The Truth"
Well, I have been interested as well. My mother is left handed. Regarding your statements?
Color? That isn't hand dependent.
Writing MOST languages(ones written left to right) is harder for ALL left handers, all things equal, because you are pushing the tip away. In fact MANY left handers twist their wrist around to try to make it easier. STILL, there are problems with that.
Cutting with scissors can be hard because MOST are cut to handle the angles of a right hander, but they DO make left handed scissors.
What does tying shoes have to do with handedness? HECK, I use BOTH hands for that!
I will eat/drink with EITHER hand. Heck, I try to give them about an equal amount of work. And that statement made in gattica about handedness? It doesn't apply to me either!
-they definitely tend to be more aloof and shy
-they tend to be more of the loner type
-they tend to have high intelligence
-they tend to be much more sensitive and emotional
-they tend to be much more creative and artistic
-they tend to be more eccentric
-they tend to have drier sense of humors
Sense of humor is open to interpretation, and I am not artistic, though I AM creative. The rest of that describes ME, and I heavily favor my right.
are you DOMINANT left handed???
CURIOUS NOTE: 1 out of 10 is dominant left my son's special needs school, i have noticed a high number of left handed could be my inagination, or maybe not........but is left handed more dominant in autistics?? is for me, best regards, and i really apologize for my typing skills, i am a long hand kind of guy , but very autistic on the key board, lol
I have ALSO observed left handers for many years! For DECADES. 1 out of 10? That sounds HIGH! I suspect most people with AS are left brain dominant. And I am sure that most other autistics are right brain dominant. I say this based on the most predominant strengths, though I have seen other people suggesting the same.
hi zucken how are you.....i know coloring is not hand dependent, just describing myself, lol.....however i've seen a lot of lefties have neatness issues in writting and far as cutting im with you on that, i dont think they had left handed scissors back then , lol........shoe tying, lol..i guess i was saying in my first paragraph is my dexterity wasnt the best, lol
as far as the characteristics i wrote, i meant only tendencies not rules..and not every left hander will have all my characteristics listed
i believe 1 out of 10 is lefthanded in the general population, i wasnt talking spectrum population.................however i noticed a lot more autistic lefties in my sons classes over the years
of course my whole op is just observations from my own eyes, nothing scientific, but i believe i am fairly accurate, lol...............thank you so much for your contri
Some of your greatest accompolishments are the direct results of your greatest failures. Some of your greatest failures are the direct results of your greatest accompolishments.......AnAutisticMind
I tend to watch handedness. People are surprised when I mention to them Obama is a leftie. I am surprised the media didn't really harp on that (considering they went on and on about him putting the wrong kind of mustard on his hamburger the other day, sheesh).
clinton was leftie.................bush 41 was was hoover, truman, reagan, ford, garfield, and obama
there have been 43 men as prez (cleveland was prez twice)......................thats 19%.....almost twice what it would be statistically
Some of your greatest accompolishments are the direct results of your greatest failures. Some of your greatest failures are the direct results of your greatest accompolishments.......AnAutisticMind
I write, color, and draw with my left hand. I used to be ambidextrous but my teacher made me choose one hand because I would keep on switching back and forth indecisively between the 2 whenever I wrote but I could still cut with any hand. In sports I usually use my right hand, but I am capable of using both. My left hand is more precise and my right hand is stronger and more powerful. I think I meet a lot of the criteria on your list. (Also, I didn't learn to tie my shoelaces until 4th - 6th grade.)
as far as the characteristics i wrote, i meant only tendencies not rules..and not every left hander will have all my characteristics listed
i believe 1 out of 10 is lefthanded in the general population, i wasnt talking spectrum population.................however i noticed a lot more autistic lefties in my sons classes over the years
of course my whole op is just observations from my own eyes, nothing scientific, but i believe i am fairly accurate, lol...............thank you so much for your contri
I'm fine. Thanks for asking!
Well, the whole point is dexterity. I have more in my right for most things, and you have more in your left. I and my mother ARE, to a degree, ambidextrous. I DID, at one point, get to where I could write almost as well with my left as my right. My mother once lost the use of her left, and had to use her right. AND, as I said, I will do a LOT of things with either hand. I have even tried to eat the european way, use chopsticks with both hands, and do all of Nimoys "tricks" Of course, if I try the reverse arronic gesture with my left hand, it is harder than with my right. Hey, I haven't tried to practice it for YEARS.
I am only a little younger than you are. During my mother's day, left handers were frowned on. I have NO idea why. They were often STRONGLY encouraged to use their right. Anyway, I have noticed relatively few left handers in the US. I suspect that they WILL become more common as some middle east and far east languages are written right to left, and being left handed would be an ASSET there! Many of them ARE coming to the US.
In any event, I know they DID have left handed things when I was in school. It is simply that there is SO little call for them that they may be hard to find and may have to be special ordered. Hey, even in the simpsons, flanders is left handed, and runs the "leftorium"! That goes to show you how rare it is, that they should find it interesting to create a store for it, etc...
It pretty much fits me, although I'm not exactly artistic. I've been left-hand dominant since birth. I've heard something said about autistics and aspies tending to have more right brain activity, so it's possible there's a corellation.
Heart of the guardian, way of the warden, path of the exile.
I am also left handed. Funny thing is though, when you read certain books or websites on Asperger´s Syndrome, many of the stereotypes sound like left-brain dominant- (i.e., right handed) individuals: interest in facts and technical information, difficulty understanding concepts, less use of imagination, etc. I was wondering if there may be a left handed, "artistic" version of Asperger´s Syndrome that doesn´t quite fit some of these common stereotypes, and if so, what percentage of AS people present in this way? As handedness also seems to relate to neurology and therefore personality, it would be interesting to make some kind of study comparing right handed AS people with left handed AS people, and see how they present; typically or atypically?
"death is the road to awe"
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