The last two years of my undergrad degree had three hour lectures, and before computers became ubiquitous. Since I had to take copious notes, whether I understood them at the time or not, and had big problems with writing, classes were an exercise in pain.
Having earned a master's, my recommendation to you would be to take only courses you have an interest in, and therefore are more likely to understand. Since this isn't always possible, my recommendation for required courses is just to take the notes and read the text until you understand the material. It helps anyway to read before the class what the lecture will cover. Reading the material before the lecture also enables you to ask intelligent questions, which impresses the instructor.
I hated school, but I sure like where it put me. I've got a cush job that I can tolerate, and I do alright financially, though I'm not getting rich. In other words, school is a wonderful thing to have done provided your degree is marketable.