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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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16 Oct 2013, 12:55 am

I took a 150 something quiz. I have taken the test at least ten times and each with the same result. yet I am unsure on exactly how to interpret the results.

Aspie score: 151 out if 200
Nt score: 54 out of 200

also ... do you find yourself being indecisive on whether or not to end a relationship?
I do this a lot. like I never know what I want. if I break up I seem to regret my mistake. or sometimes I don't know if I regret it or not.


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16 Oct 2013, 2:09 am

Well, Internet tests aren't the best indicators of anything, but it would seem you have some Aspie traits. Taking it ten times and getting the same result each time tells us at least the test is reliable (though that doesn't mean it's accurate). The one thing that quizzes like that can't test is whether you have an a diagnosable disorder, versus whether you just have Aspie traits. There's a difference--psychologists don't diagnose people just for being nerdy, eccentric, shy, etc. even though those people have an awful lot in common with autism proper.

Re. not knowing whether to end a relationship--I have no experience with romance (asexual FTW), but I'm being very indecisive about whether or not to break off contact with my mother. She has been emotionally abusive in the past and is still trying to control my life, but I keep second-guessing myself about whether I should put up with it or not.

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16 Oct 2013, 2:46 am

munks13 wrote:
I took a 150 something quiz. I have taken the test at least ten times and each with the same result. yet I am unsure on exactly how to interpret the results.

Aspie score: 151 out if 200
Nt score: 54 out of 200

also ... do you find yourself being indecisive on whether or not to end a relationship?
I do this a lot. like I never know what I want. if I break up I seem to regret my mistake. or sometimes I don't know if I regret it or not.

Yes not only that the quiz doesn't differentiate between autistic traits and autism. Also you can get higher scores by having another disorder. I actually once saw this quiz in a forum for schizotypal personality disorder. Where many had high scores because of the overlapping symptoms.

"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen


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16 Oct 2013, 5:25 am

Raziel wrote:
Yes not only that the quiz doesn't differentiate between autistic traits and autism. Also you can get higher scores by having another disorder. I actually once saw this quiz in a forum for schizotypal personality disorder. Where many had high scores because of the overlapping symptoms.

Yes. The various tests (e.g. the Aspie Quiz and the AQ Test) were designed to distinguish people with ASD/autistic traits from people in the typical population (NTs). They were in general not designed to distinguish people with ASD/autistic traits from other minority groups, such as people with personality disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc, etc. Many people with those conditions will score above average on the AQ Test and the Aspie Quiz.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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16 Oct 2013, 8:27 am

I appreciate the feedback guys.

Callista: my mom was emotionally & mentally abusive and attempts to control my life
As well. I take her in small doses. I know when i've been around her for to long
And need to retreat.