They might have thought you were nuts at the time, but they would have forgotten about it by now, dont take this as an insult, but whilst you or I might be thinking of this incident every second of the day, because it involves us, and the world revolves around us from our own perception, we are actually not that important to other people, they have other more interesting things to occupy their minds.
Now the most popular people are those extraverts who dont give a turd about what people think of them, they just act whatever wacky way they feel like, sometime they get it right and are funny, sometimes they get it wrong but are still admired for their audacity and courage to behave in such a way.
You sound like me, an introvert who dares to act like an extravert but reverts back to being an introvert when facing the consequences.
Sod em, they will actually respect you more if you carry on acting like you are nuts, but you just dont care!