Back in 7th grade, I rode the special ed bus back and forth to school. Generally, even though the bus wasn't very long, we still had enough room where we each had our own seat--we didn't need to share seats. It was almost like we had assigned seating, as we kept sitting in the same spot just about every day. I sat behind this guy and he was an OK guy; didn't really see him in class, though. However, I could not stand looking at the back of his head, in my central or peripheral vision. It was where the hair went down the back of his neck toward his shirt. There was nothing wrong with the hair there, but everything was wrong about it! It absolutely disgusted me and made the long bus ride (as I lived far from the school) unpleasant. I had to always either look down or turn and look at the window; I couldn't just look forward.
Eventually, I grew pretty frustrated with it and started demanding that I be moved. Eventually, I was, and the issue ended.
Has anyone else had anything like this?