floaty wrote:
I have a friend who is asking about the similarities and differences between Asperger's and Dyspraxia.
My mind has gone blank!
Can anyone help please?
One of the biggest differences I can see (on very limited research, so it is just my impression) is that a child can potentially "outgrow" dyspraxia or at least dyspraxic traits (key word being "potentially"). You don't outgrow AS. Dyspraxia can exist singly or can co-exist with/crossover on AS.
my dyspraxic crossover traits include the clumsiness, ambidexterity and shifting dominance handedness. I prefer to type - I can write, but legibility has always been a problem (earliest detentions involved penmanship, and I received extra homework with same) and I prefer to type.
Like I say, that is a laypersons impression.
People think there are four elements to the world; fire, wind, water and earth. They are wrong. There is a 5th element - surprise. - paraphrasing of Terry Pratchett "The Truth"