has your aspergers gotten worse from 18-25???

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Tufted Titmouse
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25 Oct 2013, 12:18 pm

I have really been struggling with my asperegers lately... I have never felt so confused, lost and lonely in my life... I never feel relaxed i can never think clearly, i always say and do stuff that hurts peoples feelings and dont even notice and am mistaken for somewhat of a sociopath since i dont feel feelings like others and i really dont know what to do like my mind and body are deteriorating slowly....


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25 Oct 2013, 12:45 pm

I went through a period in my life from about age 17 to age 22 when I felt as if my autism 'flared up', so to speak.

I was struggling with a number of independence issues, combined with general confusion about how to properly approach other people on a social level. Then, when I got my first job, I initially felt good, because I got along reasonably with my co-workers and was learning new skills. However, fairly soon, I encountered more problems in the area of social interaction. I did not have any friends, didn't even have acquaintances for that matter, and I felt generally unhappy and inadequate.

I was surprised that this happened at all, especially because I had previously felt that I had all but 'conquered' my autism in my late teens. But after going through a dark, apathetic period, I began focusing on things in my personal life that I enjoyed doing and gave me a sense of fulfillment. I decided to give my 'me-time' some more priority during my off-work hours, so that I could feel better about myself, in spite of my failures in socialisation at that time. I realized that that was simply not my strong suit, and that I wasn't required to be a social butterfly in order to feel happy. Yes, I continued to practice my social skills and learn with every interaction I made, but I didn't try to live up to a standard I might not reach on short term.

I've mostly stabilized at this point, though I realize full well that there is no such thing as clear sailing all the way up until your final breath. There's gonna be struggle in the future, though I hope not much of it will have to do with my autism. I now feel that I have most of it under control, but there's still room for improvement.

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25 Oct 2013, 1:00 pm

Actually, I felt my least autistic between 21 and 35, as though my functionality peaked during that period and has gradually tapered off since then. I'm about as functional now as I was at 17, which isn't saying much and gives me a certain sense of dread about the future. 'Flowers for Algernon,' eh? :pale:

Recent scientific research into the antidepressant qualities of Psilocybin both explain and confirm experiences I had in my 20s that probably had a great deal to do with my positive emotional stability during at least part of that period. There was a stretch of more than two years in my mid 20s, during which I was able to cope at a virtually neurotypical level. :duh:

Pileated woodpecker
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25 Oct 2013, 7:53 pm

I'm 33 and my asperger has gotten much worse now than during my 20's.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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25 Oct 2013, 7:55 pm

No but I am since living by myself a little more social isolated than I was before.


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25 Oct 2013, 8:03 pm

25 here. It feels like it's gotten worse, but I think I'm getting better at hiding it. Maybe I'm just more aware of it now.

Snowy Owl
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25 Oct 2013, 10:19 pm

Actually, I feel like I was much improved during those exact ages. I was downright happy and many of my anxieties had drifted away...at age 25 they returned and the past few years have not been the best.


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25 Oct 2013, 10:20 pm

It's gotten worse for me. I'm more prone to panic attacks, crying fits, easily getting stress out and worried, forgetfulness, zoning out and not being able to concentrate more now than ever.


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25 Oct 2013, 11:07 pm

Yes, but I think it's due to increased expectations in young adulthood. One day you wake up, you're 18 and you are expected to be a responsible adult. That's hard enough on someone w/o challenges or delays. I'm not any less functional AS-wise since I was 17, I'm just expected to function at a way higher level now. (My anxiety has impaired my functioning, but that's another thread.)

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26 Oct 2013, 1:45 am

[quote="Willard"]Actually, I felt my least autistic between 21 and 35, as though my functionality peaked during that period and has gradually tapered off since then. I'm about as functional now as I was at 17, which isn't saying much and gives me a certain sense of dread about the future. 'Flowers for Algernon,' eh? :pale:

Recent scientific research into the antidepressant qualities of Psilocybin both explain and confirm experiences I had in my 20s that probably had a great deal to do with my positive emotional stability during at least part of that period. There was a stretch of more than two years in my mid 20s, during which I was able to cope at a virtually neurotypical level. :duh:[/quote

This has been my experience as well. And I definitely relate to 'Flowers for Algernon". In my mid twenties to mid thirties I was considered super charismatic.[being physically attractive most likely helped]

Now, though I do love my life and am blessed in many ways, sometimes it feels as though my current life, as far as being scapegoated and treated as "less than", is in some ways a reenactment of my nightmare of a childhood.

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26 Oct 2013, 1:55 am

nope... since most nt's are sheeple.... the reason for my autism(asd/aspergers) has derailed my life to 50% at least... still can game and go on the computer
but had to quit school (college) and get low paided jobs... i knew from school i wouldn't make into to slave race and move up the pyramid scheme... besides money is now a problem due to expanding my downloading habits combined with cell and internet service...

my family is stupid as ****! !! :evil:

i know that my autism is just a byproduct of this human species and their stupid actions they do... mmr vaccines, mercury the environment

connect the dots... i see the world from a bigger picture and try to see outside the box...

typical people are blind to the truth.

Pileated woodpecker
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26 Oct 2013, 4:07 am

metaldanielle wrote:
Yes, but I think it's due to increased expectations in young adulthood. One day you wake up, you're 18 and you are expected to be a responsible adult. That's hard enough on someone w/o challenges or delays. I'm not any less functional AS-wise since I was 17, I'm just expected to function at a way higher level now. (My anxiety has impaired my functioning, but that's another thread.)

This. I had a lot of trouble keeping it together between 18 and 25ish (especially before 23 or so) due to increased expectations; I don't think my autistic traits as such have ever changed. I also drove myself pretty hard as I did want my freedom and privacy rather than living under my parents' roofs. I think I drove myself into autistic burnout, though I didn't realise that at the time; I just figured it was depression, insomnia and anxiety.

I don't always deal very well now either, but I have learned a little bit about what I can handle and not, and I've been in the somewhat enviable position of being able to engineer my life accordingly to some extent.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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26 Oct 2013, 4:51 am

Nope. I'd say it's gotten substantially better. So I'm thankful for that.


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26 Oct 2013, 9:35 am

I don't think it's gotten worse--I think that as I've gotten a bit older and figured out my purpose in life, I've improved some of the symptoms. But I have also noticed that I've become a bit more introverted.


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26 Oct 2013, 11:40 pm

I think that's what mom complains of me that I don't "mature". Well if I remember right, not everyone matures overnight, it takes time.
Besides if I mature now, I would lose every part of my personality and be a grumpy no fun adult.


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26 Oct 2013, 11:48 pm

Mine has gotten progressively better over time. 18-25 was the period where I had the most improvement actually. At 18 I was completely naive socially, and could hardly hold a conversation...by 25 I was doing far better.