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26 Oct 2013, 3:58 pm

My mum wants me to help out at a special needs group. SUSPICIOUSLY ONLY ME.

I'm a little offended by this, but I'm not sure whether I should give in or not. What should I do?

Shedding your shell can be hard.
Diagnosed Level 1 autism, Tourettes + ADHD + OCD age 9, recovering Borderline personality disorder (age 16)


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26 Oct 2013, 4:46 pm

At your age, I suspect she is probably looking to get you out and socializing with people, and operating in a work-like environment. Ask her point blank what her motives are.

Things like this are good experience for you, though. Even though the thought of doing that makes me want to gouge my eyes out. But for real, if you're interested in being functional in society, you'll need to force yourself out of your comfort zone. About age 15-16 is when I started forcing myself into undesired social situations, "just like everyone else." It was personally disastrous in the short-term, but laid the foundation for the skills that have allowed me to function in society.

For me, this type of thing follows a script:
1) realize I need to practice a skill, socialize, whatever...
2) make a plan
3) get the plan in motion; schedule & commit to a time or times,
4) spend every waking minute until then kicking myself for agreeing to do this <insert stupid activity here> that I didn't want to do anyway
4a) think of several good excuses for getting out of it ("my dog ate my clothes," "my cat is sick,", etc.)
5) Reluctantly go do it anyway
5a) alternatively, if it's truly overwhelming, employ best lie developed in step 4a
6) If I went, I realize "that wasn't so bad, but let's never do that again."
7) Recovery period
8.) Repeat steps beginning at #1

Just remember, we need skills to function/hide-in-plain-sight correctly. And you cannot get those skills without practice, observation & repetition.

Good luck, man.

P.S. - The trick is getting past the resistance in Step 4. I have no tricks for this; I haven't mastered control of those feelings. It's hit & miss.