I find NT's so irritating irrational and plain annoying!!

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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25 Oct 2013, 12:42 pm

Lately i just plainly hate NT's... Idk i just find people amusing, simple, and dumb... People look at me as if i am so different, weird, psycho, etc etc... but to me i am 100 times smarter, more efficient and accurate... I go on facebook and read post on peoples pages about random things and i just wanted write how dumb everyone is on there page!! ! I might sound like a jerk but im really not...


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25 Oct 2013, 1:44 pm

There's nothing bad about recognizing banality for what it is, thank goodness not everybody is as superficial and mundane as the average or the species would never progress (assuming human achievement so far has actually been 'progress').

Just don't let it make you arrogant and condescending. As Elvis Costello once said "I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused."* :twisted:

*'The Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes' © 1977 from the album My Aim is True


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25 Oct 2013, 2:56 pm

I think that NTs, like people with AS, vary (it's why I don't like the term NT, because what's "typical?". But it's a good shorthand)--vary in terms of intelligence, skills, etc. And, likewise, they're going to have varying responses to us. And it can be easy to slip into a "me against the world" mentality, especially if the response hasn't been good. So I agree; it's not good to dwell on other people and the way we perceive them too much.

(Facebook is just white noise to me, to be honest).


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25 Oct 2013, 3:06 pm

chances are, they probably look at you the same way.

How about just try to be more accepting? I know that be difficult but you should try it. In fact, I dare you to do something helpful to someone else once a day.


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25 Oct 2013, 3:27 pm

Codyrules37 wrote:
chances are, they probably look at you the same way.

How about just try to be more accepting? I know that be difficult but you should try it. In fact, I dare you to do something helpful to someone else once a day.

While he isn't wrong, it doesn't matter if you choose to accept them for the way they are. NT's drastically outnumber the rest of the Neurological Spectrum, and what matters is if they accept you enough to allow you the oppurtunities to succeed.


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25 Oct 2013, 3:29 pm

Codyrules37 wrote:
chances are, they probably look at you the same way.

How about just try to be more accepting? I know that be difficult but you should try it. In fact, I dare you to do something helpful to someone else once a day.

I couldn't have said this better myself.

Tufted Titmouse
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25 Oct 2013, 4:16 pm

Codyrules37 wrote:
chances are, they probably look at you the same way.

How about just try to be more accepting? I know that be difficult but you should try it. In fact, I dare you to do something helpful to someone else once a day.
that's the thing I always help people in need like children and the elderly


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25 Oct 2013, 4:44 pm

I think that you just need to be more accepting of other people. Thinking of yourself as superior to other people is unhealthy thinking. It will lead you down a path which you do not want to take.


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25 Oct 2013, 4:59 pm

Codyrules37 wrote:
I think that you just need to be more accepting of other people. Thinking of yourself as superior to other people is unhealthy thinking. It will lead you down a path which you do not want to take.

It is not about superior...if a person is more intelligent than another in specific ways then they are more intelligent. Full stop.

Try not to think of everything in terms of superior or inferior, its not a realistic concept if you take time to think it through logically.

ie a skill that is useful in one situation may not be useful in another and all shades of grey in between. Using the superior/inferior mode of thinking, in the situation where the skill is useful it would be considered to be superior to a skill that is not useful and vice versa (where a skill is not useful it is considered to inferior to a skill that is). Bearing in mind that a skill can be both useful and not useful in different contexts and situations which is it in the general sense you are using the term?

A skill is just a skill..it may or may not be useful at any given time. If someone is smarter than me I do not consider them to be superior, I am just aware that they are smarter...and in such a case I want to learn from them as they obviously have something to teach me.

However I also know when people are not smarter than me, and the OP has a point even if it is a little generalised and too specific in regards to neurology. The average human being is not all that smart...not as smart as they like to think they are anyway.

Ie Yes the human race has worked wonders with technology but its polluted the planet (and its own food chain) in the process. Doesn't sound so clever to me!

It has become so obsessed with its own ego that it would rather harass and ostracise, rather than make use of, some its smarter members because it can't cope with it's own insecurities...doesn't sound so smart to me.

It's is always at war because of it's hunger for power...doesn't sound so smart to me

The technology it has created has resulted in more and more people becoming obese (food processing, people sitting at their computers or in front of the tv all day and not getting any exercise etc)...our own inventions are killing us all...doesn't sound so smart to me.

Society is not all that clever really...

As for me I concluded that I know jack s**t yonks ago. And if I did know jack s**t no one would listen to me because no one ever does (even when I am right), so it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things anyway. I keep my jack s**t to myself most of the time these days.


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25 Oct 2013, 6:04 pm

I wouldn't go so far as to say that NTs are bad people anymore than Aspies are. I'd say Aspies have a different, if unique perspective of the world and how things should go.

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25 Oct 2013, 6:49 pm

It sounds like you are having a bad day. On my bad days, I can feel like I hate the world, everyone is so irritating and I find their rampant stupidity offensive. On my better days, I just find their foibles amusing and I have to laugh at the absurdity of what passes for "normal." The goal is to have more good days than bad days.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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25 Oct 2013, 7:16 pm

Shabba wrote:
Lately i just plainly hate NT's...

[NT here]

Yeah sorry about that .

I admit I can be annoying sometimes. It's difficult to know how people will react sometimes, so I just try carefully try and see.

Facebook? Blah! I keep in touch with family but mostly facebook is superficial emotion eliciting garbage with no real content.

So yeah we basically agree. The things I hate though are pollution, disease and scarcity.

I wish you could just find whatever redeeming quality I have and ignore the rest. That's what I try to do.

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25 Oct 2013, 7:29 pm

bumble wrote:
The average human being is not all that smart...not as smart as they like to think they are anyway.

I agree.

And what is intelligence? Ability for pattern recognition and prediction.

NTs are better at seeing social patterns. They are wired for it.
Aspies seem to find other patterns more rewarding.

Everyone has both talents to varying degree and each talent is more or less important depending on the situation.


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25 Oct 2013, 8:22 pm

i dont like the word neurotypical.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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25 Oct 2013, 8:25 pm

i just tend to not like people and i always seem to like other aspies tho even if we are way different on the outside we are always so much alike on the inside...


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25 Oct 2013, 8:27 pm

start looking for the good in person.

When you see someone you know, try to think about one thing you like about them. For instance, they have a nice smile or nice shoes etc.