Saying the same thing all the time
every time i go for a walk and see something, i tend to say the same thing all the time, like read aloud the same bill board or make the joke once i pass something. Same thing with movies, i watch the same movies over and over and ill make the same comment at the same scene every time, my sister gets annoyed. anyone else do this?
Obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog since 2009
Diagnosed with Aspergers' syndrome in 2012.
Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1 severity without intellectual disability and without language impairment in 2015.

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Yes, I have vocal repetitions that get stuck in my head. Usually when I'm thinking something through.
In private, I prefer to vocalize and it's accompanied by gestures with my hands & arms. In public or if my wife's around, I lock my arms in place.
That said, I slip sometimes, and I'll catch myself inadvertently verbalizing in a crowded place. It's not the end of the world, right? The odds I know or regularly interact with anyone who saw or heard me is quite low.
I don't experience the movie-based tics. I know that would not go over well in a movie theater or if you're on a date (unless the person is aware and very tolerant.)

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Yes, I do this in a couple of different situations.
In conversation with a person, I tend to repeat myself or rephrase the same sentence, so that the person I'm talking to has complained about it or wondered why I do it. One time someone asked if I thought they were too stupid to understand what I'd said the first time. It's not that at all! I just start fixating on all the different ways I could have stated something. I do it more when I'm agitated than when I'm relaxed.
Like another responder here, I also verbalize my thoughts out loud to myself when I'm alone at home. It's literally thinking out loud -- I'm not talking to anyone and nobody's talking back, lol! I just find my thoughts are easier to gather together if I speak them out to the four walls. But I tend to go over the same thing, almost as if rehearsing a scripted line -- and sometimes I'm doing exactly that. I often get home from some stressful situation and talk out loud what I wish a conversation had just gone like, or what I need to say next time that I was too stressed out to say to someone in the situation I've just come from. I find I have to plan out a lot of "scripting" for myself to get through situations that discombobulate me.
I don't do this verbally, but I do it with written words. For example every time I see certain words, I have to read them backwards (though not necessarily say it out loud). Restrooms and Stop. Always smoortser and pots. And then of course there are my other issues with reading, where I have to read the same sentence over and over until I read it the "right" way.
Ugh. All the time. I like to randomly quote TV/movies over and over again and people get extremely annoyed with me. It's almost like an overwhelming obsession.

Joined: 17 Oct 2013
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This is normal I think. My friends & I all do that. And I"m 46.
Can we get a young-ish NT's input? Is this not a normal part of pop-culture?
Echolalia. Yeah, NTs repeat a lot of things to each other but not in the same way autistic people do. On the severe end of echolalia you get what seems like pointless repetitions of words and phrases, then on the mild end of say someone with AS you get an automatic quoting, maybe looped over and again. It's random so seems weird to other people.
NTs will bring up the quote and have an explanation behind it and it's usually from pop culture and not something that seemed to come out of nowhere. My sister and I quoted films a lot but I would randomly come up with a line that was seen as inappropriate.
There seems less control about what is said and when for the autistic rather than the NT.
That's my take on it at least.
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God, I've had such problems with that. It's especially nerve-wracking when I'm reading something that seems really important for whatever reason and I'm short on time. It's like, "Oh, have to go back and re-read that sentence for the tenth time because it didn't 'go in' right." So frustrating...
In conversation with a person, I tend to repeat myself or rephrase the same sentence, so that the person I'm talking to has complained about it or wondered why I do it. One time someone asked if I thought they were too stupid to understand what I'd said the first time. It's not that at all! I just start fixating on all the different ways I could have stated something. I do it more when I'm agitated than when I'm relaxed.
Like another responder here, I also verbalize my thoughts out loud to myself when I'm alone at home. It's literally thinking out loud -- I'm not talking to anyone and nobody's talking back, lol! I just find my thoughts are easier to gather together if I speak them out to the four walls. But I tend to go over the same thing, almost as if rehearsing a scripted line -- and sometimes I'm doing exactly that. I often get home from some stressful situation and talk out loud what I wish a conversation had just gone like, or what I need to say next time that I was too stressed out to say to someone in the situation I've just come from. I find I have to plan out a lot of "scripting" for myself to get through situations that discombobulate me.
Countless times I have been accused of talking down to people. When I say something to someone, I have issues recognizing their non-verbal reactions to what I just said, causing me to wonder whether or not I stated it in a comprehensible manner. When that happens I take a second to reconfigure what it was I said, and say it in a more organized fashion.
In a sense, my understanding that I communicate inefficiently, and my multiple attempts to reconcile that fact, is often seen as me trying to proclaim informational dominance, or show myself as the intelligent one in the social interaction, when in fact the opposite is true.
I'm always saying, "did that make sense to you?".
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