angelbear wrote:
Hello all-
This may belong in the parents section, but I thought I would post here to get some input from older Aspies. I have an 8 year old Aspie. Tonight he was telling me that he liked someone at school. I was thinking it was a girl. He didn't want to tell me, but finally he said it was a little boy. After gathering more information, he said that he wanted to be that little boy. So my question to you all is did you know at that early of an age that you were attracted to boys instead of girls (if you have same sex attraction). I am not sure I should make a big deal of this and share it with his father at this point because I am not sure how he would accept this, and I don't want to cause needless problems if this is just some sort of phase that my son is going through. Any input that anyone has will be appreciated.
At this point I would let it be. My opinion is that very few of us are "straight" and very few of us are "gay". Most of us lie somewhere in the middle.** He's a little kid. You don't know that he means he "like" likes this boy. Maybe he just means he wants the boy to be his friend and nothing more. Who knows? And even if he does mean it the same way a teenager (or adult) does, so what? It's not yet his identity. If he chooses to identify as gay, he'll know soon enough (or maybe later).
What you need to do is make sure he knows that whatever combination of romantic and sexual preferences he has, there's nothing wrong with it. He may not know who he is yet, but the most important thing you can do for him is let him know that it's okay to be whoever he is.
**I have strict definitions of gay, straight and bisexual. One is straight only if one has both sexual and romantic interest only in one's opposite sex. One is gay only if one has both sexual and romantic interest only in one's same sex. One is bisexual only if one has both sexual and romantic interest in both one's same and one's opposite sex.**