I do this all the time, but it is not the same word all the time.
Just by chance lately it has been Smurf... My routers guest SSID is AutisticSmurf, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford I call Cracky Smurf, though to be fair, last week I was hooked on muffins so last week poor Rob was Crack Muffin to me... with a visual of Chris Rock saying "Up at the crack of crack" (far too much crackalack in the media lately) Maybe Rob Ford is just a Smurfy Crackmuffin? I have subbed the word "crack" ever since I was a teenager. It is just one of those words you can put anywhere, at least to me.
Turbo is another favorite, I love forced induction, the power, the efficiency, but now I drive around a big "turrrrr-bo dieeees-el" van, it has a "DirrrtyMax" (I say it in a provocative cartoon girl voice) engine... there is a movie called Turbo (not seen it yet) and my husband has been shopping for a Bissell Turbo Sweeper. Turbo is something I talk about all the time... Turbo Turbo Turbo!
Echolalia... which is very stimmy... catch words, songs, phrases, sounds... If my brain likes it, I will repeat it or find a way to add it into conversation.
I'll even make up funny little songs out of words that are repeating in my head. AND SING THEM OUT LOUD!! ! lol or I'll just take the word and make noise with it, not sure how to explain it. I'll change letters in the word and try to say it, I'll add letters like an "ie" or a "y" or an "est" Instead of saying "Better" or "Best" I'll say "Bestester" or "Bestesterester" or "Betterester"
My Husband gets a kick out of it most of the time. Sometimes I say some really funny things. Sometimes some of the things I say get out of hand or are "not very appropriate" or the timing is off..... meh, I am only human.
"Curse your sudden yet inevitable betrayal"