John / TheOneWhoKnocks, The red spell check may have been activated because it wants you to capitalize "Asperger's".
That tells something about my thinking process, as I tend to focus very heavily on small details. Generalized overviews don't offer much to hold my interest. Because of this, I can tease out lots of information from very small details. I once identified the entire provenance of a museum specimen (bird) based on a tag marked only "McL" and two tiny holes in the beak.
I am interested that so many are noting a continuous internal commentary, as I have had this as long as I can recall. I started writing stories very early, which were often transcriptions of my interior monologues. Sometimes, though, I end up verbalizing part of the monologue without realizing I have done so, and that is embarrassing.
I do tend to obsess quite a bit about a single topic of interest, and am cross if interrupted.
Sometimes I get quite stuck in the same pattern of thoughts, and then I have to play my violin for a while before I can break out of that pattern. As in the previous post again, there actually is something to be said for doing something different to affect a different outcome, and I have played games like "taking a different route" or "wearing something different" in an attempt to change my frame of mind.