I am having the same problems since starting this job in administration. Before this job, I worked in a lab setting and didn't have this back-stabbing, bitchiness (from men too!), attention seeking, lazy, task-delegating, sucking up to deal with. Quite frankly, I don't get all the phony office friendships and don't know how to play along and don't even want to. I go to work to WORK, not to socialize, kiss the boss's a**, and play games. Unfortunately, my 2 immediate supervisors are insecure men who revel in all the females attention and don't like me. I would have to go straight to the CEO, who does like me but I don 't want to appear whiny. Don't know what to do but I have to do something. It's getting so frustrating and being menopausal just compounds it, lol!
Age 52
Aspie score: 150/200
NT score: 69/200
EQ: 17
You are very likely an Aspie