Do some of you have macrocephaly ? (It means having a unusually large head.)
I read it is often correlated to autism, and I have been wondering about myself. My head does not look unusually large, but I know it is larger than average. I like hats but in 95% of times where I see one I like I can't find the right size for me, all those in stock are too small. (I could find one without any problem by going to a fancy expensive hat shop, but the ones in regular clothes shops are always too small.) Also I have taken part to research experiments using EEG and MRI and my unusually large head gave problems to the experimenters (in one occasion I could barely put the EEG cap on, and for MRI the researchers had to spend 10 minutes removing most of the foam padding blocks in the machine and finding a way to wedge my head in there with other stuff.)
Macrocephaly looks easy to diagnose, you have it if your head circumference is more than 2 standard deviations above the mean for your age, sex and ethnicity. But I could not find any table with such data except for small children.
A bit obsessed with vocabulary, semantics and using the right words. Sorry if it is a concern. It's the way I think, I am not hair-splitting or attacking you.