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04 Nov 2013, 10:50 pm

I have been trying for a while to figure out what things all Aspies have in common - it seems like even the obvious things are on such a long spectrum that they may not seem to be the same things at all. For instance the social skill problem can be either really bad or not so much of a problem.

What would you guys say are the things that you most associate with Asperger's (or Autism)?

For me, definitely social skills (or invisible social cues)
Liking to be alone
and separate from that - being relieved to get away from the stress of people
getting bullied by idiots
movies in my head to the point where I'm only now realizing that what I thought I was experiencing as life was just thoughts [Edit - I don't mean I thought they really happened, just that I always thought thoughts were active, when really they're static - (kind of anyway)]

I think those are pretty typical, but I'd really love to hear from the people who have less typical experiences of Asperger's too.

Last edited by wozeree on 05 Nov 2013, 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

Pileated woodpecker
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04 Nov 2013, 11:04 pm

I technically have HFA, not Asperger's, but anyway...

I do have trouble with social skills.
I do like being alone, and get stressed by being around people for too long.
I used to get bullied by idiots. Complete idiots.
I do spend a lot of time in my head, but not in the movies in my head type of way.

From observing people at my school for people on the autistic spectrum, these seem to be commonalities:
Trouble with social skills
Interest in one subject
Stereotypic behavior


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04 Nov 2013, 11:31 pm

I wonder if linked physical and mental clumsiness also is part of the package, for the most part?

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04 Nov 2013, 11:32 pm

While social skills can be a big part of it, that's not what I would consider the defining feature of AS, since over time some can learn social skills and may actually become more outgoing. It's just that those skills are not innate.

Really I see it more as a different way of thinking about the world. We have a tendency towards seeing things logically, and seeing patterns where others don't.

The sensitivity, either physically, emotionally, or psychologically, to sensory input is another big thing in common.

I see those on the spectrum as standing outside of the rest of the human race, watching from afar, with either amusement or irritation (sometimes both), as the rest of the world continues to perform its absurd act. We may be able to learn social skills, or appear "normal," but on the inside we will always feel that we are living on the wrong planet.


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04 Nov 2013, 11:33 pm

I have deficits in the social skills area. I can't small talk to save my life and is prone to saying the wrong things in conversations.
I like, or prefer, being alone. Less headaches that way.
I was bullied a lot as a child, and not just by strangers. It was in the home, too.
I guess I spend a lot of time in my head but not in the movies kind of way.

I can also stim uncontrollably.
I have issues with eye contact but I've been working on that.
I have developed interest interests in one subject and, in its application, forego other important things like taking my meds, paying bills, and eating.

Is low self esteem an aspie thing?
Is avoiding people because you think you're inferior and they'll ignore you anyway an aspie thing?
Is fearing criticism and rejection an aspie thing?
Is avoiding occupational activities that involve interpersonal contact an aspie thing?
Is being socially inept an aspie thing?

I have all of those and then some.


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04 Nov 2013, 11:34 pm

then I am an outlier, the ILlogical aspie. :alien:


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04 Nov 2013, 11:38 pm

Poor communication skills (ranging in severity):
Taking things literally
Struggling to read into things.
Unable to see the motivation of peoples words.
Poor ability to read non-verbal body language or/and use it.
Lack of eye contact

Need for routines for structure or just because it feels most comfortable

Expert knowledge in one, two, or three special interests.
Note: I only say that many because I find it impossible to believe someone can keep knowledge in their head about 5 special interests, but then I also have ADHD.

Focuses on details

An apparent inborn ability at math or art.

Seeing patterns in things.

Poor fine or/and gross motor skills.

Agree that we can spend a lot of time alone without feeling lonely.

Exhausted easily in social situations.

Stimming or very elaborate fidgeting as a form of self-stimulation from stress and anxiety.

Could be successful in one or two subjects (that they like) but struggle in others.

Difficulty transitioning from one task to another.

Fear of new situations.

Rigid thought processes. Logical.

Obviously, the symptoms differ from person to person. Some are more extreme in others and some are less in others. And in one person each symptom could range from mild to moderate to severe or barely be a problem at all. So, it's going to be hard to find a group of symptoms that everyone with autism/AS will relate to.

I make up movies in my head too. I've confused fantasy from reality before.

I've not really been physically bullied but verbally and emotionally. I've been rejected by people just for being different too.

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04 Nov 2013, 11:41 pm

Is low self esteem an aspie thing?
Is avoiding people because you think you're inferior and they'll ignore you anyway an aspie thing?
Is fearing criticism and rejection an aspie thing?
Is avoiding occupational activities that involve interpersonal contact an aspie thing?
Is being socially inept an aspie thing?

I have all of those and then some.[/quote]
It can be a product of Asperger's. But not something I would say are clinical traits of the condition.

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05 Nov 2013, 12:01 am

I am still in the process of learning how much sensory issues are not only involved in the obvious like touch, light etc but in the trouble "reading" people etc.

Executive Function
From my diagnostic report
"Executive Functioning measures various skills that serve as the foundation for many academic, vocational and life tasks. These skills include the ability to sustain attention, plan efficiently, inhibit inappropriate responses, deploy appropriate effort and flexibility, shift from one task to another"

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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05 Nov 2013, 12:01 am

I wish I had a better shifter. :hmph:


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05 Nov 2013, 12:10 am

pensieve wrote:
Is low self esteem an aspie thing?
Is avoiding people because you think you're inferior and they'll ignore you anyway an aspie thing?
Is fearing criticism and rejection an aspie thing?
Is avoiding occupational activities that involve interpersonal contact an aspie thing?
Is being socially inept an aspie thing?

I have all of those and then some.

It can be a product of Asperger's. But not something I would say are clinical traits of the condition.[/quote]

Agree here. These can be because you are also introverted or the result of repeated bad experiences or both.

You can be an extroverted aspie. They may be in a distinct minority of aspies but they do exist. I have met a couple of extroverted aspies in my support groups and I suspect that a couple of posters here. I say suspect because it is tough to tell because people tend to be way more open and aggressive online then face to face.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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05 Nov 2013, 12:13 am

pensieve wrote:

I make up movies in my head too. I've confused fantasy from reality before.

I just saw this after I edited my op. I don't think I've ever done that, but then maybe i do it and don't know. I know I can spend HOURS just watching stuff in my head and suddenly realize how much time has gone by.

I also think the phrase "product of" Asperger's is a good way of describing things - how do we know which is Asperger's and which is a product of it - I was just discussing this in another thread.

Yeah, shifter and motor skills and sensory overload - how could I forget those?


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05 Nov 2013, 1:09 am

I have a recurring pattern of beats being played in my head, continuously, over several hours, and sometimes days, at a time.


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05 Nov 2013, 1:13 am

TreeShadow wrote:
While social skills can be a big part of it, that's not what I would consider the defining feature of AS, since over time some can learn social skills and may actually become more outgoing. It's just that those skills are not innate.

Really I see it more as a different way of thinking about the world. We have a tendency towards seeing things logically, and seeing patterns where others don't.

The sensitivity, either physically, emotionally, or psychologically, to sensory input is another big thing in common.

I see those on the spectrum as standing outside of the rest of the human race, watching from afar, with either amusement or irritation (sometimes both), as the rest of the world continues to perform its absurd act. We may be able to learn social skills, or appear "normal," but on the inside we will always feel that we are living on the wrong planet.

I am standing outside of the rest of the human race, watching from afar.
I see things logically and I see patterns while watching from afar.
I can't learn social skills beyond being polite and kind. I have no social instinct, can't act, and my social cognition is slow.
I am socially naïve and honest.
I have repetitive motions, repetitive mind and repetitive interests. Repeat repeat repeat repeat non stop.
Clothes are uncomfortable, sunlight is too bright and people are too noisy.
Eye contact is spooky.
I love animals.
Poor short term working memory, good long term memory.
Awkward and clumsy and weird prosody.


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05 Nov 2013, 6:52 am

All of the above

I don't do math (am in an AP Stat course, but still)

Art? :? Visual Arts are a no. But I write poetry and plays and love to act


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05 Nov 2013, 8:09 am

Asperger96 wrote:
All of the above

I don't do math (am in an AP Stat course, but still)

Art? :? Visual Arts are a no. But I write poetry and plays and love to act

I used to write poetry, I was published a few times but it was a very long time ago and I don't write anymore.

I used to call it painting with words as writing is truly an art form and can be a very beautiful and expressive thing.