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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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06 Nov 2013, 1:14 pm

I'm in U.S.

I've had some suspicions that I have aspergers, always been "different", social anxiety, lack of friends, avoidance of crowds (trips to Wal-Mart or the mall ruin my whole day) etc..

Was thinking of getting a diagnosis, mostly to see if it'll get me some help should I decided to go back to school for my masters, and possibly some protection at work as the whole office politics crap make no sense what-so-ever to me. I like coming in and doing the same thing everyday and being left alone so long as my job is being done correctly. This seems to be mind boggling to most people including supervisors who don't understand why I'm content with my current pay and position and don't want more responsibility or to be promoted.

I'm wondering is there a list some where of Dr.s that have experience with this or is it just luck of the draw? I can go down the list my insurance provides but worry I'll get some whack job that'll just want to put me on anti-depressants and anxiety meds, which is not what I'm after. Also does it make any difference whether I choose a psychiatrist or a psychologist?


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06 Nov 2013, 1:29 pm

this thread may be helpful :arrow: diagnosis as adult

{the avatar is a Claude Monet}


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06 Nov 2013, 1:57 pm

MalFrune wrote:
Also does it make any difference whether I choose a psychiatrist or a psychologist?

In the UK a psychiatrist tends to be a pill pusher; a psychologist tends to push CBT.


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06 Nov 2013, 3:54 pm

Clinical psychologists can diagnose you, especially the ones who specialize in Asperger's. They're way cheaper than doctors and can be found here. ... _Therapist


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06 Nov 2013, 4:48 pm

MalFrune wrote:
. . . I can go down the list my insurance provides but worry I'll get some whack job that'll just want to put me on anti-depressants and anxiety meds, which is not what I'm after. . .

I think you've got to directly ask, "Are you familiar with Asperger's-Autism Spectrum in adults?" Some psychiatrists and psychologists are, but a lot are not.

* Asperger's-Autism Spectrum is the way I describe the Spectrum, but not everyone does and that's okay.