DizzleJWizzle wrote:
being an aspie gets you nowhere in this world
You know what else gets you nowhere in this world? Moping and self pity. Convincing yourself that you face obstacles that are insurmountable. Know how I know that? I've wasted years of my life thinking that way, that's how. It's completely non-productive. AS is nothing that should prevent you from accomplishing pretty much whatever you want to. It may make doing some things
harder, but that should never stop you from achieving a goal.
As for the people in your life you think don't care - it may be true that they don't
understand you - their brains are programmed with a different Operating System than yours, so they will never really see things the same way you do. That's not their fault, or yours, it's just the way things are. If they truly didn't care about you, you'd be living on the street. After a while you'll just learn not to bother trying to explain your point of view to people who are not capable of understanding it. It's frustrating and it wastes your time and energy.
Joe90 wrote:
Stupid f***ing Asperger's, why has it chosen me and nobody else?
If "
nobody else" had AS, there wouldn't be a Wrong Planet website where thousands of autistic members could come to commiserate over the difficulties of living with the same neurological dysfunction.
And surely you realize that autism didn't "choose" you. Life is a crap shoot. This is the way your dice fell, play what you got.
Don't get me wrong, I know very well how difficult AS can make things, I live with it every day, just like you do - but I'm also thankful that I didn't end up with something even more difficult. At least I can see and hear (even if both are a bit overwhelming at times) and my arms and legs all work properly. I know there's plenty to complain about - and I often do - but try to keep it in it's proper perspective. Things could be much, much worse.